
The Quest Kids

Created by Treasure Falls Games

Tabletop fantasy games that kids love and parents appreciate (and also hopefully love).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfillment Update: The ships have sailed!
about 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 08, 2021 at 09:26:05 AM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls,

I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season and New Years. I am thrilled to say two boats with containers full of The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure have finally sailed from China! A ship headed to the UK/Europe left port on 12/25 and is scheduled to arrive on 1/20. Another shipped headed to the USA/Canada left port on 12/31 and is scheduled to arrive in Miami on 2/8. 

The reason for the further delayed shipping is the same reason I mentioned in the last update: because of Covid-19 there is a massive supply/demand problem at the port in China. We would have a set date to sail and then receive an update that the date had been pushed back a week. This happened multiple times. 

The good news is that our games are finally on the high seas and our fulfillment partners Quartermaster Logistics (USA/Canada) and Spiral Galaxy (UK/EU) are ready and waiting. 

The new and hopefully final plan is to fulfill all orders in February/March 2021. This includes the rest of the world (Asia through AFI and Australia/New Zealand through Aetherworks).

I also received a final production copy of The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure and it looks marvelous! I am going to create an unboxing video for you to take a look and share it in an update in the next few days. 

I greatly appreciate your patience during this long and complicated process. It has been quite the quest to fulfill this game, and while it took a bit longer than expected we are very happy with the results. 

A Quest Kids quest is never done!


We're locking orders on Tuesday, 11/10!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 06:42:34 PM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls!

I hope all is well in your part of the kingdom. I know it has been a while since I have provided an updated to our Matching Adventure backers, so here is a lot of information about the status of our project.

Please note: if you are a backer of our original Quest Kids campaign some of this info has already been shared with you in our most recent update on that project. 


All of the components for The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure have been produced! They are currently in the process of being compiled into their individual game boxes. I will share images as soon as I have them.

This completion date is quite a bit later than the completion date promises I received over the summer (and subsequently communicated to you). There have been varying reasons why the deadline has been continuously pushed by the manufacturer (National Holidays, slight printing problems, back log of projects, etc.). It has been very frustrating. However, the games are finally printed and we are on schedule to have them on a boat by mid-November.

I realize this time line puts us most likely past a Christmas fulfillment date for our backers. I know this is disappointing news and I am truly sorry (believe me - I want nothing more than to have these games as gifts under the tree). I will continue to do all I can to make this happen.


The last day to make final updates to your The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure order is Tuesday, 11/10. After this date, we will lock your reward selections and charge cards for add-on item purchases, pledge upgrades, and shipping.

Don't worry - you can still update your shipping address up until the time we lock addresses for shipping in December.

If you need to review your information or pledge status (or wish to add additional items),  you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our  BackerKit project page at

If you haven't filled out your survey and you miss the deadline you can still submit your information, however your shipment may be delayed.

Thanks again for your support and remember, now more than ever, a Quest Kids quest is never done!


Matching Adventure Survey & Production Update!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 11:16:19 PM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

I hope you had a great weekend!


Over 80% of backers have completed their surveys! Thank you so much for knocking this out - it helps us tremendously while planning the next steps of our project. At this point everyone should have received an email from BackerKit with a link to the survey. If you are yet to see one please let me know and I will send one over ASAP. We will be locking orders in early October, so please try and complete your survey soon. Thanks!

We have not had many support queries (which is great!), however if you do encounter any issues with the survey certainly let us know and we will be happy to help you.


We received our first production sample of The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure last week. We are very happy with 90% of it. Here are some pics:

Inside box art and outer box side art.
Back of box
Magnetic Treasure Box (used to draw treasure tokens)
Treasure Box opened.
Fronts of Adventure Tiles and Tree House Tiles.
Ally tiles featuring gold foil printing of "SPECIAL POWER".
Some backs of Adventure Tiles featuring silly bad guys from Treasure Falls.
Hero Tiles with gold foil printing.

The one major issue with the prototype is the manufacturer printed the treasure tokens as squares instead of as circles (see below). We are obviously correcting this error. 

Treasure tokens (printed as squares instead of circles).

We are happy with the quality and appearance of the components. The manufacturer is going to send us some photos of the updated circular treasure tokens and once we approve those mass production will commence! 

Thanks as always for your support! A Quest Kids quest is never done.


The Matching Adventure BackerKit Surveys are on their way!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Sep 03, 2020 at 10:27:37 AM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls!

Soon you’ll receive an email from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we must have this information to fulfill your rewards.

If you have previously used BackerKit then the main info you need from me is that all surveys should be sent by Sunday, 9/6. Please reach out to me if you haven't received one by next week.  

For those of you who are new to BackerKit here is a detailed description of how the process works and any questions that you may have. 

The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure BackerKit Survey

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey.  When you receive the BackerKit email simply click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items or change your reward level if you like.

You don’t have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email! I will provide an update here when all of the surveys have been sent and provide assistance to anyone who is missing the email. All surveys should be sent by Sunday, 9/6.

After you respond to your survey you can go back later and change your responses at any time (before we close the surveys to get our final counts).

If you need to review your information or pledge status you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit  project page at

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use please contact support at

Do I *Really* Need to Go to BackerKit?

Yes! All Backers must complete the BackerKit survey to confirm your address and pay for shipping.

What If I Included extra funds for Add-Ons?

If you pledged extra funds for Add-Ons, you will find a credit in your BackerKit account. As you go through the survey process, you will be  able to use this credit towards Add-On items.

Can I Upgrade My Pledge Level or Purchase Add-Ons?

Yes, you can upgrade your pledge level or purchase Add-Ons! To change your pledge level select the blue "switch your pledge level" link  located on the first page of the survey (pictured below).

BackerKit FAQ

1. It is mid-September 2020 and I didn’t get my BackerKit email invite. What do I do?

The easiest thing to do is resend your invite to yourself! Just go here:, enter your Kickstarter email address, and click on the "Get My Survey" button. You will be sent a new email with a link to your account. Please remember: all surveys will not be sent until Sunday, 9/6.

2. I forgot my BackerKit password. How do I get it?

Just go here:, enter your Kickstarter email address, and click on the "Get My Survey" button. You will be sent a new email with a link to your account.

3. I want to sign back into, but I don’t remember the email I used for my account. How do I get it?

It should be your Kickstarter account email. If that doesn’t work, please email [email protected] and they will help you.

4. I have a question about BackerKit that isn’t covered here. What do I do?

Head over to, or email the team directly at [email protected]. They’re happy to help!

5. Why do I have to use BackerKit again?

The BackerKit folks are experts in streamlining the process of  delivering crowd-funded rewards. Using their service allows our team to maintain focus on making a great game.

As always please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions about The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure or any other items from Treasure Falls Games and please be on the lookout for your BackerKit survey soon!

A Quest Kids quest is never done,


Thank you!!! Your Matching Adventure shall soon begin.
over 4 years ago – Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 11:24:45 PM

Greetings Adventurers of Treasure Falls,

Our quest has concluded and we ended our journey with 293 heroes in our party and achieved 159% of our goal! Also, yesterday I moved the goal down to $9,500 to unlock the gold foil background stretch goal for all Hero Tiles, and we unlocked this upgrade in the last minutes of the campaign! 

My job now is to create the best version of The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure that I  possibly can and to communicate important milestones openly and frequently during the production process. 

Speaking of the production will begin very soon! I'll send an update next week focused on our pledge manager timing and plans. The pledge manager is the process that will allow you to finalize your order and potentially add items to your pledge. The pledge manager survey will most likely be sent next week!

Thank you again for supporting our matching game with a fantasy twist. 

A Quest Kids quest is never done.
